We proudly sponsor FinnFest USA '99!
FinnFest USA '99 Sponsor Information

Kiitos! Now that you have decided, we need the information to make your sponsorship look good on the website and/or in the program brochure. Feel free to refer back to the levels page for help as you fill out this online form. You can also press your PRINT button and then fill out and fax the information to us.

Corporate Sponsor     Individual Sponsor    Organization Sponsor
Thanks for your Sponsorship!

Yes! My company would like to be a FinnFest USA '99 Corporate Sponsor.

Level of Sponsorship:

Organization Name:







Contact Person:

Contact Person's Phone & Email:

Name to appear on Website:

Name to appear in Program Book:


Please make your check or money order payable to:

FinnFest USA '99
4122 - 128th Ave SE, Suite #305
Bellevue, WA 98006

Thanks for your Sponsorship!

Last modified December 31, 1998.
This page created by
CybrrCat Productions! for FinnFest USA '99!